Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sometimes Quirky surprises us...

Saturday we went to the first birthday party of a simply adorable little girl . A little girl who has Quirky enthralled. To be honest at first I was hesitant to go the party...they are usually hard for Quirky to handle. My fear was that Quirky might not be able to handle all the new people she would meet...all the noise...did I mention the party was in a bouncy center? A place that is normally full of over excited kids...loud games...oh the list goes on and on.  (let's be honest here...I was scared Quirky was going to freak out and ruin the party) Ultimately Dork and I decided to go.  I am glad that we did...because Quirky surprised us both. The stars were aligned...fate was on our side....and Quirky breezed through the party like a pro. She  bounced...she slid on the zip line...she bounced some more. She played with the baby. She sat next to kids she had never met and ate cake and ice cream. She bounced some more... OK lots more. She played with the baby some more. She talked to people she has just met...she even asked the clerk at the counter for a straw! This is the kid who still can't tell the waitress she wants sweet tea...asking a complete stranger for a straw! I think Dork put it best..."Who is this kid!!?" I'm not sure why...maybe because everyone was very laid back...maybe it was because the fun center was strangely uncrowded...maybe it was because Quirky would have done anything to get to see this little girl...all I know is it was a great day. 

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