Saturday, April 30, 2011

Say what?

OK. So this post has nothing to do with Quirky or Dork or even myself...but I just had to post this. It is just to ridiculous not to. A conversation overheard....

Let me set the scene...two young ladies of college age are talking about their future...and gossiping about other young ladies that they know. (typical of most women) It went something like this...."So have you seen so and so? She has been having baby after baby." "Wow. So has so and so, and so and so." "Yeah its like they have no goals." "I'm not sure that I even want to have kids. I don't even really like kids." "Yeah. I don't want kids either." On and On this goes about not liking kids...and not wanting kids. Then the conversation takes a college and career plans. "Yeah. I think I am going to major in education and be a teacher. Something generic like that you know. It seems like a good job to have." "Yeah. I thought about that too....blah blah blah."

Did you get what I got out of that? Did you catch it? If not then let me lay it out for you...
DON'T LIKE KIDS...BUT WANT TO BE A TEACHER? HUH? I wanted to but in and ask..."You do know that teachers actually have to be around kids and that you probably won't be educating things like puppies or kittens or whatever it is that you two do like?" I sincerely hope that my child or no child that I ever know has the misfortune to be "educated" by either of these two young women and quite frankly I hope they have the common sense to change their minds. The education system should have no place for people who do not even like children!

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