Saturday, September 17, 2011

Family Movie Night

Family movie night is a standing date in our house...most often on Friday nights but sometimes it is postponed to Saturday. Last night however found Quirky and myself home alone...Dork had to work :(  . On the upside to Dork being gone was that Quirky and I had movie night our style...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Flashback Friday.....Eating

I bet you think that this post is going to be about how Quirky was a terrible eater. So picky that all I could get her to eat was cheese puffs and cornflakes or some other disgusting combination. Maybe you are hoping that it is and that I have found that miracle cure for that dreaded "disease" called the picky eater. Well....

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It Hurts

How can you stop the most boring meeting in the whole world and get a group of roughly 60 people to stop talking all at once? Its easy...just insert one very cranky autistic child and one extremely exasperated mom. Works like a charm...the only problem being that said Mom may want to crawl in a small hole and hide. What nonsense am I babbling about now?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hover Mom

Have you ever had the hairs on the back of your neck stand up...had your gut tell you something was not right? I had that feeling today. It is so not a good feeling...
Her words.
Spilling forth like a torrent
We are drenched
Eddies of misunderstanding
Twisting and turning
Settling into the rhythm of
Her language
Our language
Together we conquered...
This elusive thing...