or at least that is what I feel like doing. Inside my house is a gated community...the real estate formally known as my kitchen and laundry has turned into a full time gate controlled
nursing home for my geriatric dog. My slightly crazy dog (otherwise known as Oscar Fido at www.themisadventuresofoscarfido.blogspot.com ) is getting old..and even more crazy...or is it senile? I really don't know...all I know is that after cleaning up poop again and cleaning the floors again...I really and truly just wanted to through a fit. Like a two year old kind of fit...the gonna make the people stare kind of fit...
the really she should no better kind of fit. Why? Well the poop for one...but mostly because Dork is working late at a meeting tonight and that is really why Oscar pooped in the floor. His schedule...the dog runs like clockwork and if something is off...like say I have to take him out around 6:00 instead of Dork...then he does nothing. He just stares at me like I am some deranged alien that has kidnapped him, and then forced him to a strange unknown planet called my front yard. Thirty minutes later he's laying flat as a pancake in the middle of my kitchen floor all four legs sticking out...pooping. The dog can hardly stand and has fell over while trying to poop. Yet he still managed to keep pooping. To top it all off he fell into the poop and squished it not only into my floor but into his fur...so there it is...why I want to throw a fit. Is it wrong...I really don't know. All I do know is that the poop is gone and the floor is cleaned. The dog...well...not so much...I think I'll leave that one for Dork. :)
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