Have you ever met the real Oscar Fido? If you have ever stopped by the blogs that I write along with my daughter you probably have been introduced to the story Oscar...but have you ever met the real Oscar. He's old...16 in dog years...forever and a day in human years. His eyesight is going...he is just as likely to stand in front of the closet door when he needs to go out as he is to stand in front of the door to the outside. Did I mention that he can't stand up very well and that it's hard for him to walk...most of the time I just carry him up and down the porch steps. He spends part of his day sleeping and the rest of his day making messes in the floor. He is pitiful and it is heartbreaking...I have had him since he was a grumpy cantankerous puppy. (Thus his name...Oscar) Yet...despite all of these things that are failing him, he still manages to stand (albeit it barely) at the gate to his doggie nursing home (AKA: my laundry room) and kick and head butt the gate to get our attention. He does all of these things because the one thing that has not failed him is his nose...and his stomach. THE DOG LOVES TO EAT. So what do you do when you have an old, blind, arthritic dog who loves food more than anything in the world....

You make him soft batch doggie cookies of course! They are simple to make and Quirky and I love making them for Oscar. When we start whipping up a batch of these treats, Oscar comes out of his arthritic coma and whines,cries, and does what Quirky calls "Dog Fu". He kicks the gate until he is falling over and won't hush until they are done and we finally give him one. To put it mildly...HE LOVES THEM. So what is our recipe?
Oscar's Soft Batch Doggie Cookies
2 cups of all-purpose flour
1 tbs baking powder
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup chicken broth
Blend together flour and baking powder together into a large mixing bowl. Work the cup of peanut butter into the flour with your hands. Its messy and its fun. This is the part that Quirky likes. Slowly begin pouring the chicken broth into the mixture continue to mix until well blended and you have a thick dough. It will be the consistency of playdoh. Then you can either roll it out and cut out shapes or roll out balls and flatten them with the bottom of glass. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes at 375F. What are you waiting for...go grab those kids and get baking!
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