Tuesday, April 30, 2019



It must be a pretty terrifying place inside Stephen King’s imagination. I just envision all my darkest fears from childhood to adulthood all rolling around in there, and then flowing out on the book page in such a way that’s its destined to nearly scare me to death, and has on several occasions. I read my first Stephen King novel when I was in college, an experience I will not forget as it left me looking over my shoulder and under my bed. Like a frightened child. Let’s just sum all this up by saying I’m a fan of his work, and I’ve read many over the years. 

There are however a few of his novels that I have not had the chance read, so when Colorado was up next on my list I kind of knew what I wanted to read. The Shining. It’s been on my to read list for quite awhile and this would be the perfect time and excuse.

Monday, April 29, 2019



When I went to look at the California novel choices available on Goodreads, there were close to five hundred books to choose from. Of course that was just one list that I looked at. Yikes!Honestly decision making is not my strong point, I agonize of the simplest of things. Should I get the Big Mac or the Quarter Pounder can be a sweat inducing and panic causing decision. I’m sure there is a whole post in that statement involving my terrible food choices lately and psyche. For now though let’s stay focused on the topic at hand, or in other words how I made a choice without really having to choose. You see...

Friday, April 26, 2019



Just got back from a spontaneous trip to Arkansas. I took a canoe trip down the Arkansas and Mississippi border.  One would side Mississippi forests crowd the banks and on the other the Arkansas forests do the same, in between vast amounts of muddy water surrounded me. Had a wonderful scenic drive through the Ouachita National Forest, and stopped off at some scenic overlooks. After that a quick trip to see Hotsprings. It was a wonderful trip, that would have been super expensive had it really happened. Nope, just arm chair traveling or in my case kitchen table traveling. Seriously though, thanks to Google Earth for allowing me travel while having my Saturday morning cup of coffee. It was a curiosity trip sparked by my last A state, Arkansas.  

Original Image Credit: The Graphics Fairy
I went a different direction with my book of choice this time and chose a non fiction book. A book that has has “thirty-nine public challenges or bans since 1983”, according to the “Spotlight on Censorship: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” article on the American Library Associations Website. I’m not sure about you, but when a book is banned or someone tells me I shouldn’t read a particular book, it just make me want to read it more. I guess I’m just a rebel that way. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019



Image Credit Clipart Panda
My first initial panicked thoughts, when the title of my Arizona choice came up in my search, was no way...absolutely not. This wasn’t happening, keep on looking. There was just no way, with a title like that, I could manage the stress of reading this book. Really...it would just be too much. Too many horrible memories of suffering through high school British Literature. Okay, so I’m being just a tad melodramatic. The title was Paradise Lost after all.

Monday, April 22, 2019


Check out other books by the author.


I am definitely not a big city girl. New York City sounds like a nice place to visit, but live there I could not. All those tall buildings surrounding me would make me feel claustrophobic. Neither am I a live off the grid kind of girl. I like to think of myself as a small town country girl who definitely doesn’t mind the comforts having a Starbucks nearby. Would I live out further in the country than we do now? Yes. In a heart beat. Give me trees, green hills, and mountains and I’m a happy girl. Give me all that with a good cup of coffee in my hands and I’m a really happy girl. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019


Check out more of Winston Groom’s work.


There are quite a few novels that are set in the state of Alabama, but ultimately I chose a novel that was the basis for a very well known movie. A movie that I’ve seen many times. A movie that I really enjoy. The movie has it all; romance, action, friendship, family, and a uplifting message. Think Tom Hanks...yep Forrest Gump. The book has been on my to read list for quite awhile, and now was a perfect time. Because my experience has been that nine times out of ten the book is better than the movie, I was ready for an outstanding read.

Monday, April 1, 2019



Begin with good intentions and more often than not end in failure and make us feel like failures in turn. As for myself, many many New Year’s have come and gone along with their failed resolutions. Everything from the classic lose weight to drinking less coffee. Most never made it past the month and a half mark, and if I’m being completely honest, drinking less coffee 
lasted two weeks tops. Seriously, with a Starbucks practically on every street corner I’m surprised I made it a full day. Lose weight? Did that and then gained it all back with a little extra to spare. I could go on, but it is depressing and really who wants to hear that? This year I decided to give myself a break with the “health” resolutions and try to do something a little more fun and definitely something a little more achievable.